Air Up


Air Up Sans looks just like the fun magnetic letters you might find on a typical fridge door. The type is bold and unmissable, yet its rounded features and bubbly nature help it feel friendly and approachable. Continuing to play on that adult/child tension, Air Up Sans is divided into two styles - more toned down, all caps version and the lively unicase approach.

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Air Up

Design Concept

Air Up Sans looks just like the fun magnetic letters you might find on a typical fridge door. The type is bold and unmissable, yet its rounded features and bubbly nature help it feel friendly and approachable. Continuing to play on that adult/child tension, Air Up Sans is divided into two styles - more toned down, all caps version and the lively unicase approach.

Design of shapes is based on a geometric model, while horizontal proportions follow humanist skeleton, allowing letter widths to create harmonious rhythm. Main style used for branding is Air Up Display, characterized by lowercase shape appearance for vowels. This feature brings in warmth and approachability that sets the tone for entire brand communication.

Two styles of Air Up typeface - Display and Bold.

On the other hand, Air Up Bold is the mature member of the family, with grown up full uppercase set and looser spacing to accomodate smaller size application it aims at. As both styles share proportions, it still resonates as the signature Air Up aesthetic even without the joyful features.

Air Up Display and Air Up Bold side by side in their respective roles.

Character set covers numbers, punctuation and symbols, all designed to seamlessly blend with the bubbly geometry of the letters.

Full character set of Air Up Display.

Credits & details

air up (client)
Nima Akbari, Brand Creative Director
Toma Perret, Head of Global Brand Strategy

Mother Design (branding)
Harry Edmonds, Creative Director
Issey Conway, Design Director
Ethan Hodson, Designer
Iain Acton, Motion Director

Hot Type (type design)
Marko Hrastovec, Type Designer